Tag Archives: Medicinal uses

Dregea volubilis (Wattakaka volubilis)

I am fascinated by this liana has struck for two reasons: Its very interesting flowers and seeds. Its called the Green Milkweed climber or Sneeze Wort and I quote from a page in efloraofIndia “The accepted name is Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. ex Hook.f. (syn: Wattakaka volubilis (L. f.) Stapf. Both Kew Plant List and GRIN do not recognise Wattakaka as distinct genus.”

Watakaka volubilis flowers

Green inflorescence

This plant is called हरणदोडी (harandodi) or नखसिकणी (nakhasikani) in Marathi. It is native to the Indian subcontinent, South China and SE Asia. It belongs to the Asclepiadaceae family. The vine twines itself around trees and I have even seen it growing on a lamppost.

Copy of Wataka volubilis heart shaped leaves

Note heart shaped leaves

It has heart shaped, acute leaves and it bears flowers in cymes which may be axillary or interpetiolar, and umbel-like. The flowers are  green and hang downwards. According to this website, the flowers are fragrant but I cannot confirm that. These lovely flowers almost blend in with the surroundings and are easy to miss. Yet once spotted one cannot but stop to admire their beauty. I have observed flowering usually in April and May when the tree is quite bare after the pods of the previous season has dehised. That happens sometime in March and the area around the plant turns fully white with the plentiful hairy seeds that emerge from the pods.

Watakak seeds glow

The plant is said to have several medicinal uses as well.

Have you seen this climber? Anything interesting to share?